BUH has arrived, and thrown a Hullett-sized spanner in the finely tuned organisation of S/V Tribute. He tried the old trick of 'forgotten my sleeping bag', but was fobbed off with a spare and still had to sleep alone in the starboard forward coffin. The victuals are getting hammered.
Brad Beaumont, and ex-Carnarvonite now deeply into the marine matters of Dampier, lent us his ute & threw a barbie for us so we are developing a soft spot for the harbour.
The Customs MAY be able to clear us out today so it is all hands on deck to fuel & provision everything to the gunwhales. The forecasts are for nice Easterlies initially and then a patch of at least 2 days of NO WIND AT ALL. There's a low lurking off Java, too.
But anyway. We're off soon, aiming for landfall after a week or so in Lombok. I wish everyone well!
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