Sunday, May 15, 2011

Six days at sea

More complaints-The first couple of days there was too much wind, we had the hatches closed and water cascading off the roof every few minutes & spent our days and nights in the cabin. We did chalk up a 215 nM day though, which is more than respectable for a 38 footer. This was balanced by too little wind in the second half of the crossing- motorsailing. At first a blessing- the boat was cleaned, sumptuous dinners prepared, and books were swapped. Dolphins cavorting on the bows and stunning sunsets. We hit a log which cracked the bow and we ruined the screacher but overall made an uneventful journey to landfall under a bright moon in a bay on the South coast of Lombok. The next day we shot the strait and cleared in at Medana Bay.

It is good to be back in Indonesia. The polite and friendly people, the inquisitive kids, the nasi and Bintang, the surfbreak at Gili Aer- it is all still there. Hutch and I resolved to chill out majorly until we feel the need to head East & I will update this blog once the stresses of transoceanic voyaging have dissolved in the clear blue Indonesian waters.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Slipped the moorings

Just a quick note to say we've left and have checked out from the International Port of Carnarvon (Yes!)

We- Bruce, Hutch & me- used the paper-rock-scissors method to decide the watch- sequence, and I am on first. Everyone's asleep, and all is quiet but for the motor droning on. The loom of Exmouth is on the horizon.
It hasn't been an easy first day- last night off Coral Bay the wind wavered from all directions and ended up on the nose. In the process we've hoisted & downed all sails between a 90 m2 spinnaker and reefs on main and jib. By midnight things got very lumpy, and by morning we sheltered under the canopy because water cascaded over the roof and into the helmsman's hatch. And despite all the wind and spray we we weren't really getting anywhere, which was frustrating.

We've ended up tired, off food and sleep deprived, a state which can be produced much
safer & cheaper at home.

But there you are.
