Updates... The perfectionplanner has organised an Oz and Indo flag, the local upholsterer will fabricate a quairantaine flag while he makes a large shadenet for the foredeck. Tribute's cockpit is almost too well protected in any sort of heat, there's no breeze in it at all so I thought the trampolines might become a favourite hangout once there's shade. I stocked sufficient tinned food and staples in storage to last 4 persons a fortnight and replenished the spices and condiments. New fuel- and drinking water filter, a new VHF, water purification chemicals, a boarding ladder, parachute flares, 100 m mooring rope ( apparently one often ties the stern to a palm tree with the anchor in 30 m deep water- sounds interesting)- it is all being fitted and sorted.
Some things for the crew:
Take TWO polaroid sunnies please, get your immunisations updated and have a think regarding malaria. Although we'll be boating, there's still the usual stuff for everyone- to get some Rupia for example & have to a look at flights there and back and to have travel insurance.
I checked my inflatable PFD's yesterday and both were useless- worth checking for those who have one.
Meanwhile still hunting insurance...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Insurance has been refused- I'm exploring other options.
Nat is exploring possibilities for Exmouth-Dampier and it is all starting to look good.
Passports, guys, passports!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hi all!
**** stop press**** Peter Breevoort will be joining the Indo leg, and expects to land on Bali before the 1st of June. He used to live in Indo as a kid, with a bit of luck there's some remnants of the lingo deep in his brain. We've travelled widely together and have managed to chalk up but a single disagreement in the past 25 years while hiking in the Pyrenees in 1985. I really objected to his elaborate cooking preparations. A few years later, while free-camping neer Lago Maggiore he accidentally put metho rather than water in our dinner. It all evens out in the end....
Anyway- that makes 3. Room for 1 more. Although piracy is not a problem (allegedly) quite another thing is leaving the boat unattended at anchor. It is prudent to leave one person on the boat to guard the dragging anchors and possible pilfering. Meanwhile the others can explore the islands. With only two aboard that means solo expeditions, so I'm very happy with at least 3!
Time is now getting tight- the CAIT application has to be sent off before 1/2 April. And many people are still sitting on a variety of fences, however uncomfortable that may be for them. Remember- if your name is not on the CAIT, then being aboard Tribute is illegal in Indo.
Kate- she of 'planning to perfection' will be handling the CAIT application, and she'll be in touch with all the participants.
Tribute's good- Bruce Hullett will inspect a state-of-the-art rigid inflatable dinghy one of these days in Perth, an application for a satphone has been made and a 6-man surveyed liferaft has been purchased. It will probably be big and heavy and permanently in the way but there you are. The boat will have a haulaut before departure and all engines will be serviced, charts of electronic and paper variety will be aboard, I still have to find an Indo flag and a quarantine flag and heaps of other odds and ends but so far no insurmountable obstacles have been encountered.
Can everyone please also think about vaccinations and travel insurance and stuff?
Fair winds to all,
**** stop press**** Peter Breevoort will be joining the Indo leg, and expects to land on Bali before the 1st of June. He used to live in Indo as a kid, with a bit of luck there's some remnants of the lingo deep in his brain. We've travelled widely together and have managed to chalk up but a single disagreement in the past 25 years while hiking in the Pyrenees in 1985. I really objected to his elaborate cooking preparations. A few years later, while free-camping neer Lago Maggiore he accidentally put metho rather than water in our dinner. It all evens out in the end....
Anyway- that makes 3. Room for 1 more. Although piracy is not a problem (allegedly) quite another thing is leaving the boat unattended at anchor. It is prudent to leave one person on the boat to guard the dragging anchors and possible pilfering. Meanwhile the others can explore the islands. With only two aboard that means solo expeditions, so I'm very happy with at least 3!
Time is now getting tight- the CAIT application has to be sent off before 1/2 April. And many people are still sitting on a variety of fences, however uncomfortable that may be for them. Remember- if your name is not on the CAIT, then being aboard Tribute is illegal in Indo.
Kate- she of 'planning to perfection' will be handling the CAIT application, and she'll be in touch with all the participants.
Tribute's good- Bruce Hullett will inspect a state-of-the-art rigid inflatable dinghy one of these days in Perth, an application for a satphone has been made and a 6-man surveyed liferaft has been purchased. It will probably be big and heavy and permanently in the way but there you are. The boat will have a haulaut before departure and all engines will be serviced, charts of electronic and paper variety will be aboard, I still have to find an Indo flag and a quarantine flag and heaps of other odds and ends but so far no insurmountable obstacles have been encountered.
Can everyone please also think about vaccinations and travel insurance and stuff?
Fair winds to all,
Monday, March 2, 2009
More Crew!

Dear all, I just spent a week upgrading my sailing skills. This needs more of the same, because Bruce and I are now officially the slowest multihull to enter the biggest WA regatta.
Updates, updates.....Micky Tarossi has signed up for the return trip, and he's a salty fellow. This is all great stuff, insofar that the bare minimum of crew (2) for each of the legs has now been sorted- any more is luxury. Kate Najar has actually taken the time off to do the Indo leg.
Spoke to the Customs people ( about 5 of them) and NO WAY can we skip straight from Indo to the Kimberley. It's Broome or Dampier or Carnarvon or the detention camp at Christmas Island. Our choice.
And corresponded with an agent who will handle the CAIT. The Bali Marine peoiple did not respond to 2 emails, but Andi Howes recommended another outfit who did get back quickly. They reckon they need a month to process stuff so I'd put a deadline for the SCANS of the passports on 1/1/09.
The Cruising Guide to Indo has also arrived, and is probably just about useless for us. But it is the only published guide and it would feel less than prudent to not have it aboard.
Keep you all posted.... KEES
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