Right! While trying to earn an honest crust, and make friends and influence people the following updates:
1. Kate is signing up for the island hopping, a month of it. That makes two. Sorted.
2. Starting the paperwork of the insurance . The kind folk at Nautilus would like to know the name, DOB, and (presumably sailing) experience of all crew. I filled in Bruce's experience as ' moveable ballast on a great variety of vessels, both as captain and crew'. And a list of all the safety equipment ( not easy, if you think that a boat in itself is really a bit of safety equipment to improve your chances over swimming). And what watch-roster we'd be keeping. And for me to list exactly what safety measures we would be taking 'while on passage'. That's a tricky one. On a small boat, 500 k's from shore- which measure is NOT a safety measure? Anyway, I'll plod through. Your DOB please.....
They also enquire if any boats of this design have done something similar, so I mailed the designer-Bob Oram- if he was aware of any Mangos crossing any ponds.
He wasn't, and so Tribute may have set the record for Mango offshore sailing while on her delivery trip crossing the Gulf of Carpentaria. I then asked him if there were any concerns regarding the seaworthiness of Tribute and he replied that the dearest thing in his life was his son. And that he would be happy to crew (?) with his son on this trip. Right. That's it, and gets no better.
3. They may look like simple pictures to YOU. Enjoy them. It took me weeks to find them. It looks like 20 knots of S/SE on the way to Bali, then 20 knots of E/SE on the way back on average.And sailing upwind along the island chain. Tim (of 3x Indo vv on a 21 ft Wharram fame) reckons the steep volcanoes make a local mess of the averages, and any messing with a headwind is a bonus!